One Link to Rule Them All

Earn 70% of every ad dollar
to buy premium content.
As an Individual Consumer What This Means To You

- Free Money. Earn 70 to 80% of ad dollars spent to get your attention.
- More Convenience. Buy with a click. No need to fill out credit card forms. Easily add money to your account.
- Loyalty & Honesty. Support the creators of the content you like. They can then make more of what you want at a more reasonable price.
- Single Sign-On. One ID and password is all you need at any micropay enabled web site.
- Lower Prices. Buy original content at reasonable prices. No more inflated subscription charges. No wasting time on piracy. No viruses.
- Privacy Protection. No spam allowed. You only see email follow-ups when you get paid for your attention.
- Control Over Your Own Market Identity: Now you control when and how your market identity data is used. Set different rates for different uses.
Plus, your account makes it easier for you to profit from the Internet economy, as a blogger, affiliate, auction participant, consultant, or any other way where you send and receive money.
Click this link to learn more about the benefits for publishers.

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Payment links can automatically split payments between sellers and affiliates!