Why We All Need It
Here is why 2-Way Micropay™ will dramatically improve the Internet for everyone . . . .
The Internet has long needed a universal micropayment system–a way to exchange pennies, nickels and dimes quickly and easily.
Credit card forms are inconvenient. And credit card fees are high, costing a minimum of 35 cents. That’s why vendors rarely charge anything less than $1 per transaction.
But what if you could conveniently pay 5¢ to play an online game? Or could buy a song for 25¢ cents? Watch a move for 50¢? Or immediately buy online articles you need for a research project for just 75¢?
That would be a HUGE BENEFIT for both consumers and content creators.
In fact, widespread adoption of 2-Way Micropay™ will unleash a flood of new, valuable content.
Imagine all the creative people who will want to turn 1,000,000 hits into $50,000 just by charging 5¢ per view, using 2-Way Micropay!
Two-Way Micropay™ is good for consumers because it is also good for the artists, writers, programmers and other creators of the content you really want.
Plus, it is good for the advertisers who are want to pay for your attention!
It may even save the newspaper industry!
“Without a workable micropay platform, the Internet culture invites piracy and the devaluation of creative content.”
The Win-Win-Win for Consumers, Advertisers and Publishers
The Internet would be the ideal platform for high volume sales of low priced content . . . if there was a practical micropayment solution.
But all previous attempts at micropayment systems have failed. Why? Because they were one-way systems, designed to just move money from consumers to sellers.
This meant consumers were required to pre-fund their accounts with a $20 deposit, or more. They then had to wait around and hope that they would be able to find $20 worth of content in the network of participating sites to make it worth while.
But there were never enough people willing to gamble $20 on this proposition. So the content providers never showed up either!
2-Way Micropay™ solves the dilemma by taking away the risk to consumers.
2-Way Micropay™ is the first and only micropayment system that allows consumers to both spend and receive money.
First, users get a free account.
Second, and even better, 2-Way Micropay™ allows users to capture a free stream of money coming into their accounts from advertisers willing to pay for their attention. There’s no need to pre-fund your account!
What this means is that advertising dollars flow in a new direction.
In the old way of doing things, advertisers embedded their ads in content you wanted, like television shows and newspapers.
With 2-Way Micropay™, advertisers can pay you directly to view their ads. It’s like getting paid for your time and attention.
You can then use this “free” money to buy the content you want . . . or save it up and get a check.
2-Way Micropay™ creates a new relationship between consumers, content providers, and advertisers. Now, for the first time, consumers (YOU) get to capture a fair share of advertising dollars.
Think about it.
Corporate America is gathering marketing information about you and selling it to other companies.
The only thing you get out of this is more advertising!
But since they’re buying information about you, why shouldn’t you get paid every time it is used?
We think you should. And our patented technology makes it possible.
We are like your own personal mail list and marketing information broker. And advertisers can only have access to it only when they pay you for your attention, at rates you set. In fact, 70 to 80% of ad dollars spent to reach you go into your account! (Our cut, is only 20-30%.)
If you don’t want to see ads, set your price high.
If you want to make more money, set your price lower.
You are always in charge. And you always get paid for your time and attention!
2-Way Micropay is the first and only two-way messaging and payment platform that integrates the collection and dissemination of marketing data in a way that fairly negotiates between consumers and advertiser a mutually agreed upon value for data, time, and attention of viewers.
View our brochure here.